What to know before your first online therapeutic art session

Aubrie Johnson
3 min readOct 1, 2023

So you’ve booked an online therapeutic art session. Great! Art as therapy can be a fun and expansive way to explore your psyche, heal neglected wounds, and understand what makes you tick. But if you’re new to this practice, a quick Google search might provide more questions than answers, especially when it’s online. Here’s what you need to know before you sign on.

Find a quiet, private space

Do you ever have trouble staying focused when you’re surrounded by the comforts of home? Sinking into the sofa in front of the TV, cell phone to your left, an adorable dog to your right…may not be the best place to study or work.

As with any therapy or coaching session, try to commit a small zone in your home to your practice. Even a temporary private space is better than a high-traffic zone where anyone can barge in. If you live with roommates or family, ask them to wait until after the session ends to interrupt. If it’s close to the cat’s dinnertime, feed them before so they’re not screaming at you during the session.

Life happens and we can’t account for everything, all the time. But tackling as many of these little tasks as you can will allow you to start your call with a clear head and zero distractions.

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